Saturday, February 18, 2012

Pointing the Way for Parents

With picture book apps multiplying like the kittens in Wanda Gag's "Millions of Cats" parents, as well as librarians, are wondering how to choose the best of them. There are reviews in some of the journals including School Library Journal, which are helpful but many reviews are appearing in blogs. Helping parents to find reviews that can help them is not always easy. Recently I came across a useful blog that suggests ways of using apps with children as well as linking to reviews. The Digital Media Diet is an active blog that offers articles on using blogs as well as purchasing them. A recent blog post for parents describes how volunteering in your child's school can be enriched through the use of apps for early literacy. The blog also links to many review sources for children's apps such as Great Kid Books and many others. Why not introduce the parents in your library to some of these useful and convenient guides in the confusing world of children's apps. You'll be doing a favor to them and to their children.


  1. I'm so glad you've enjoyed my blog, Adele! :)

    I am also the sole reviewer at, where I have an organized database of almost 500 book app reviews for children, primarily 'digital picture book' equivalents. We designed our site to be useful to educators and librarians in particular, getting great advice on changes to make over the past year.

    Please let me know if I can ever help with a recommendation.


    Carisa Kluver
    The Digital Media Diet

  2. I certainly did enjoy it, Carisa. I'm so glad you are offering these reviews and articles. They will help so many of us.
